PSG Talon Part Ways with Mid Laner and Jungler

PSG Talon Part Ways with Mid Laner and Jungler

PSG Talon Part Ways with Mid Laner and Jungler

The current champions of Pacific Champions Series (PCS), PSG Talon, have parted ways with their two Korean players – their jungler Lee "Juhan" Ju-han and mid laner Park "Bay" Jun-byeong. Their replacements have not been revealed.

Both Juhan and Bay have been playing together since late 2020, having represented such Korean teams as Dynamics, Nongshim RedForce and Nongshim Challengers from 2020 to 2021. Last December they joined PSG Talon and started competing in the Pacific region – there they managed to win PCS Spring 2022 and qualified for Mid-Season Invitational 2022, where they finished 5th.

The change has not yet received an approval from RIOT Games. The next split of Pacific Champions Series is expected to start somewhere in June.

PSG Talon:

  • Su "Hanabi" Chia-Hsiang
  • Huang "Azhi" Shang-Chih
  • Wong "Unified" Chun Kit
  • Ling "Kaiwing" Kai Wing